Our Story

Photo: Pangolin Associates four founding directors.
Pangolin’s four founding directors: Matthew Curnow, Iain Smale, Chris Wilson, Davide Ross

Founded in 2010

We started Pangolin Associates as a small independent consultancy in 2010. Our goal was to establish an ethical, carbon neutral company: to be a ‘force for good’.

Since then, we’ve maintained an uncompromised commitment to sustainability and good governance, and we have grown: a larger team and a wider range of expertise.

Our team

Throughout our years of operating, our team has remained second to none in the sector: energetic, highly qualified, and dedicated. Without exception we are a group that whole heartedly advocates social and environmental accountability.

Joining the Viridios Group in September 2023

Logo: Viridios

In September 2023 we made the strategic move to join the Viridios Group, a company with which we have always enjoyed a trusted relationship and that complements our own values and suite of services. Viridios is a global carbon credit origination, capital markets, asset management business. The Group offers a unique SaaS pricing and data platform covering the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) and compliance markets. Pangolin Associates, remains a standalone business under the Viridios umbrella.

Our locations

We have locations in five capital cities: Sydney Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth. Our clients, however, take us to every corner of Australia and beyond. Wherever we go to provide our services we bring one clear message with us: the climate emergency is upon us right now. The business community must act, and as always, we’re right here to help.