Climate Change and Employee Commute Surveys

photo commuters: Pangolin Associates surveys: Climate Change Attitudes & Employee Commute

Two valuable surveys for medium to large organisations

You have the option to combine the surveys, or to select one of the two:

  1. Climate Change Attitudes Survey,
  2. Employee Commute Survey.

Taken together, the final reports investigate employee attitudes about climate change and the environmental impact of their transport to and from work. Our clients usually engage us for these reports in conjunction with a Greenhouse Gas Assessment (carbon footprint). The surveys provide a better understanding of the organisational footprint, and help them with other initiatives, such as Climate Active certification, or planning a path to net zero carbon emissions.

Climate Change Attitudes Survey

A need to know when developing your sustainability roadmap.

This survey assesses your employees’ knowledge and attitudes about climate change. It is an anonymous process, so they feel comfortable providing opinions, beliefs and concerns openly and honestly.

A roadmap to sustainability necessarily takes employee impact into account, as well as the motivation for change. Our clients have found that knowing whether their team feels informed, and where they source information helps to shape a strategy supported at every level of the business.

Pangolin’s report identifies:

  • Knowledge gaps and opportunities to provide information;
  • What employees would like to see happen in the work place, and would readily support;
  • How they understand climate change risk, and the level of concern about risk to the business, and more broadly;
  • The appetite for clear and effective climate action, for example, pursuing certified carbon neutrality, or reaching net zero carbon;
  • Actions employees would undertake to reduce their own footprint, and the organisation’s footprint;
  • How much education you need to provide.

Contact us to discuss this survey or to see a sample report.

Employee Commute Survey

A full view of your footprint includes the trip to work.

Transport is Australia’s third largest source of greenhouse gas emissions at approximately 101 million tonnes CO2e (to September 2019). This represents about 19 percent of Australia’s overall emissions. For more, see the Federal Government’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report, (published February 2020).

Transport emissions are growing

It is imperative that organisations take more responsibility for employee commutes. Our survey helps you with this task, delivering comprehensive analysis in an easy to read and understand report. It determines the impact through a variety of parameters. For example:

  • Modes of travel (including car pools) and the associated emissions;
  • Attributable emissions from suburbs to/from all workplaces and management offices;
  • A review of distances travelled, lengths of journeys and costs;
  • The environmental impact of current commutes and options for more sustainable modes;
  • Meaningful incentives for sustainable travel.

ESG and your path to net zero emissions

This report gives you valuable data for your carbon reduction initiatives and the environmental governance of your organisation. It also helps with Climate Active applications, or developing net zero emissions strategies. We can assist you with all of these actions. You may also consider offsetting employee transport emissions through carbon credits, either in part or in full.

Questions about the surveys?

Contact us for more information, or to view a sample report.

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Carbon Footprints

Measure then act. Our GHG Assessments calculate your emissions in detail. We’ll provide a comprehensive report and help you reach your targets, or meet liabilities.