Climate Active & Carbon Neutrality

Capital Brewing Co: carbon neutral certified products and organisation
Climate Active certified: Capital Brewing Co. Read the case study.

The Australian Government certification

We have worked with the Australian Government’s carbon neutral programs since inception. Today, we are proud to call more than half of the successful participants our clients. We helped many of those to become first in their sector – a recognition of climate change leadership.

While there are other industry-led certifications available, importantly for authenticity, the Climate Active program is the only Australian Government-endorsed carbon neutral certification. In short, the program is more rigorous and, unlike some certifications, requires third party checks and balances.

Diagram: How Climate Active works.

Who is certified:

As of August 2023 there are approximately 700 Climate Active certifications across more than 200 organisations.

View the list of certified carbon neutral organisations under Climate Active, more than half of them are Pangolin clients.

Contact us for our plain English guide to carbon credits and carbon neutrality.

What you need to know about Climate Active

Read Climate Active case studies: Frasers Property Australia, Ross Hill Wine Group, Orange NSW, With Architecture Studio, Perth WA, Active Super, Corinda State High School, and Pablo & Rusty’s Coffee Roasters.

Your Climate Active application

Talk to us about the technical aspects of your Climate Active application. We will guide you through the essential steps and help streamline the processes:

  1. Measure your footprint.
    First you need to know how much and what you need to reduce. We provide comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Assessments (Carbon Footprints) that cover scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 emissions.
  2. Reduce your emissions.
    Once you have measured your footprint, we help with an Emissions Management Plan (EMP) and provide detailed recommendations for reducing your impact on the environment.
  3. Offset emissions you cannot reduce.
    Our services include purchasing and retiring certified carbon credits on your behalf. We are one of the few carbon management providers with transparent and visible carbon offsetting practices.
  4. Verify the documentation through a third party.
    If you have already achieved the above, we can independently verify your Climate Active documentation. The entity that undertakes this step must be independent from the other steps.
  5. Submit your application and fees to Climate Active.

Climate Active regulations are stringent. It is important to understand the requirements before developing your carbon neutrality plan. Talk to us for more information.

Your approach is up to you

Your approach to Climate Active certification is up to you. For example, you may certify your entire organisation, your building or your precinct. Many of our clients take a staged approach, certifying products, services, or even an event. Pangolin has Registered Consultants for Climate Active Certifications across all the six categories.

See all that can be certified on the Climate Active website.

Using the logo and for how long

You can use the Climate Active logo under license once you are certified carbon neutral. There are strict guidelines for use. Carbon neutral certification is valid for a  five year period. See more on certification and using the Climate Active trademark.

Why choose Pangolin Associates

Logo. Pangolin Associates is a Climate Active registered consultant.

We’re highly accredited with experience in all sectors, here are a few points to consider:

We are registered under the Clean Energy Regulator’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act (NGER) which meets Climate Active verification requirements.

We have  Registered Consultants for Climate Active certifications across all categories.

We have worked with the Climate Active program from inception, and its antecedents (Greenhouse Friendly and the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS)).

We have helped more than half of all carbon neutral certified organisations to date.

Our range of experience covers all sectors from ASX-listed to smaller service-based companies, including manufacturers and local government.

More: see our compliance and accreditations.

Ask our clients!

We invite you to ask us for references.

Frasers Property Australia: 

Pangolin Associates was incredibly helpful in guiding us as we navigated the complexities of achieving carbon neutrality for the first time. The team was knowledgeable, patient and had established relationships with all other relevant parties and organisations, including with the Department of the Environment and Energy. I would feel very comfortable to recommend them, and we are already looking at ways to work with them further! Olivia Leal-Walker, Sustainability Coordinator, Frasers Property Australia Read the Frasers Property case study.

Ross Hill Wine Group: 

Ross Hill has become the first and only certified carbon neutral winery in Australia. This has been achieved by the hard work and experience from the team at Pangolin Associates. To become carbon neutral has been a goal for the Robson Family for a long time, our philosophy is to basically have as small a footprint on the earth as possible. With a 38KW solar panel and then energy reduction strategies we have been able to achieve our goal. It would not have been possible with out Pangolin who have been very passionate and diligent in their advice and also steering us through the regulations of becoming carbon neutral. James Robson, Owner, Ross Hill Wines – Read the Ross Hill case study.

Climate Active has featured a few of our clients…

More decarbonisation and sustainability services

Pangolin Associates carbon footprint services, including air travel and much more.

Carbon Footprint

Measure your emissions first, then implement decarbonisation strategies. Our comprehensive GHG Assessments evaluate scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions and help you to benchmark, reach targets, or meet liabilities.

Hither & Yon cellar door, Willunga SA

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

What is the total impact of your product or service? We have developed an innovative, hybrid approach that makes an LCA and the commitment to carbon neutrality more cost effective.

Image: Bushfire smoke haze, Sydney Australia

Net Zero

Reaching net zero emissions by 2050 – or earlier – means your organisation joins the best of climate leadership globally. Find out how we can help you implement a framework.