Our position on the treatment of people
At Pangolin Associates we are committed to the highest standard of social accountability. We ensure our own workplace is ethical, and beyond our office doors, that our business is a contributor to a kinder, fairer, and just planet. We adhere to the Modern Slavery Act (2018), and we purposely select partners, contractors and suppliers that uphold the Act’s principles.
Pangolin Associates has zero tolerance for the exploitation of individuals in any form. Whilst we cannot control the actions of other businesses, we expect our staff and the businesses that support, supply or work with Pangolin and Pangolin’s clients to operate under the laws prohibiting human slavery, human trafficking and child labour. To this end our procedures for engaging third party suppliers include expectations for social accountability, expressly stating adherence to the Modern Slavery Act 2018. Pangolin’s procedures include a third-party supplier questionnaire. We ask for evidence of practices and procedures for these core responsibilities, and make our decisions accordingly.
Whilst Pangolin provides services and does not itself produce or manufacture goods, we recognise that modern slavery is our responsibility in terms of the supplies we purchase for our offices, such as electronic equipment, office furniture and stationery. We research goods before purchasing them to understand the conditions of production and the treatment of the workers who made them. We mandate that our staff follow this procedure, as outlined in our training manual, and, as with sustainability, encourage staff to do the same at home.
Our position on the fair and ethical treatment of people overall is implicit in our efforts to gain membership each year as a B Corporation. B Corporation sets a high bar for all areas of corporate responsibility, including opportunity, dignity, equity, and justice for all people as a force for good.
- To contact Pangolin Associates, send an email to: [email protected].
- Read more about Pangolin’s environmental accountability: Our Sustainability Actions.