Carbon Acronyms
Acronyms for climate change and the carbon economy.
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A - L
- AAU: Assigned Amount Units (emissions allowed under the Kyoto Protocol)
- ACCU: Australian Carbon Credit Unit
- AEU: Australian Emission Unit (as traded under the Australian ETS)
- ANREU: Australian National Registry of Emissions Units
- BEEC: Building Energy Efficiency Certificate
- BEER: Building Energy Efficiency Regulator
- BOP: Basis of Preparation (NGER)
- CBD: Commercial Building Disclosure
- CCS: Carbon Capture and Storage
- CDM: Clean Development Mechanism
- CDP: formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project
- CER: Certified Emission Reduction (as under the Kyoto Protocol)
- CER: Clean Energy Regulator (Australia)
- CFI: Carbon Farming Initiative
- CO2-e: Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
- CPM: Carbon Pricing Mechanism
- CPRS: Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
- CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
- ECM: Energy Conservation Measure
- EERS: Emissions and Energy Reporting System
- EITE: Emissions Intensive Trade Exposed
- EMB: Energy – Mass Balance
- EOP: Eligible Offset Project
- EN: Emissions Number
- ERAC: Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee
- ERF: Emissions Reduction Fund
- ERU: Emission Reduction Unit
- ESC: Energy Savings Certificate
- ESS: Energy Savings Scheme (NSW)
- ETS: Emissions Trading Scheme
- EU ETS: European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
- EUA: European Unit Allowance (as traded under the European ETS)
- GEARS: Greenhouse and Energy Auditor Registration System
- GHG: Greenhouse Gas
- GIS: Green Investment Scheme
- GRESB: now GRESB Real Estate Assessment (formerly Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark)
- GRI: Global Reporting Initiative
- GS VER: Gold Standard Verified Carbon Standard
- GS-VVB: Gold Standard Validation/Verification Bodies
- ICAPS: Investor Climate Action Plans
- IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPMVP: International Measurement and Verification Protocol
- ISSB: International Sustainability Standards Board
- ITMO: Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes
- JI: Joint Implementation
- LEPID: Liable Entity Public Information Database
- LCA: Life Cycle Assessment
- LGCs: Large Scale Generation Certificates
- LRET: Large Scale Renewable Energy Target
- LTC: Liability Transfer Certificate
- LULUCF: Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry
M - Z
- MECLA: Materials & Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance
- M&V: Measurement & Verification
- NABERS: National Australian Built Environment Rating System
- NCOS: National Carbon Offset Standard (*program now called Climate Active)
- NCU: Natural Capital Unit
- NEM: National Electricity Market
- NGER: National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System
- NZ ETS: New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
- NZU: New Zealand Unit (as traded under the New Zealand ETS)
- OTN: Obligation Transfer Number
- OSCAR: Online System for Comprehensive Activity Reporting
- PEC: Partial Exemption Certificate
- PEN: Provisional Emissions Number
- PIAM&V: Project Impact Assessment with Measurement and Verification
- RCP: Representative Concentration Pathway
- RE100: 100% renewable energy project (CDP and The Climate Group)
- REDD: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and (forest) Degradation
- RESA: Recognised Energy Savings Activity
- RET: Renewable Energy Target
- ROE: Recognised OffsetEntity
- RMU: Removal Units (GHG removal as under the Kyoto Protocol)
- RTC: Reporting Transfer Certificate
- SMC: Safeguard Mechanism Credit
- SDG: Sustainability Development Goals (see also UN SDG)
- SLO: Social License to Operate
- SRES: Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme
- STCs: Small Scale Technology Certificates
- TCFD: Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
- TNFD: Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
- UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- UNSDG: United Nations Sustainability Development Goals
- VCU: Verified Carbon Unit
- VCS: Verified Carbon Standard
- VEET: Victorian Energy Efficiency Target
- VER: Voluntary Emissions Reduction
- VERPA: Voluntary Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement
- VVB: Validation & Verification Bodies (regarding Gold Standard verifications)
- WCI: Western Climate Initiative