Climate leadership includes education
Our workshops help you embed climate action into the operations and the culture of your organisation. Educating your employees demonstrates your commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 13: Climate Action. You will join companies globally who are driving positive change – starting with awareness and education.
Often our clients introduce our Climate Change Workshops as part of a carbon footprint, either as a precursor or with the recent completion of the assessment.
What to expect from the workshops
- We tailor our workshops to align with your company’s policies and to meet your core objectives.
- The sessions are enjoyable, engaging, and promote team cohesion.
- The workshops connect management strategies with behaviours and actions across every level of your organisation.
- Our workshops may be online or, where possible, face-to-face at your workplace. You may wish to plan for a lunch and learn or a project kick-off. These approaches strengthen cooperativeness and collaboration between colleagues.
More benefits
Employee empowerment
An investment in education and participative workshop discussions helps your team in a number of ways, including:
- Understanding the necessity for climate action and generating enthusiasm for change.
- Gaining the confidence and the ability to disseminate information, to form opinions, and to act quickly when needed.
- Collectively accepting – and embracing – the changes your organisation will need to put in place.
- Feeling a sense of belonging and bonding with colleagues. Our workshops are interactive designed to increase individual awareness and team cohesion.
A shared goal with measurable outcomes cultivates both staff loyalty and productivity: business goals become the teams’ goals.
An understanding of climate risk management
With rapidly growing expectations and regulations globally, mitigating climate risk is an imperative. Educating your employees is a crucial step in the mitigation process.
Leadership and commitment
Embedding education in your professional development strategy demonstrates climate leadership. The benefits are many, including staff retention, customer loyalty, and a smoother path in a low carbon economy.
Workplace education also helps your organisation with sustainability ratings for certifications such as B Corp, or to become a carbon neutral business.
Climate Fresk Workshop (three hours)
*This workshop was developed by Cédric Rigenbach and is made available by The association La Fresque du Climat since 2018).
This educative action contributes to the UN SDG Climate Action target 13.3: Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change. Climate Fresk grew out of the latest findings of the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Climate Fresk challenges what you and your employees know and think about human-induced climate change and its impacts whilst facilitating a discussion about what you can do. The workshop demonstrates the state-of-play on climate change and conveys scientific data in a highly-accessible format.