Alex is based in the Sydney office. He brings a wealth of expertise to Pangolin’s technical team. His experience covers a wide range of industries, sectors, and decarbonisation strategies: from carbon accounting and conducting Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Assessments (Carbon Footprints) to developing pathways for achieving Science Based Targets and net zero emissions. Alex also assists Pangolin’s energy-intensive clients with mandatory reporting schemes such as the National Greenhouse & Energy Reporting (NGER) and the Safeguard Mechanism.
Before joining Pangolin Associates, Alex held positions at Energetics and Common Capital. Similarly in these roles he helped organisations with GHG accounting, mandatory reporting schemes, net zero roadmaps, development, and climate risk assessments.
Alex holds a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons 1) and a Ph.D. in Engineering (Chemical) from the University of New South Wales, specialising in water and energy.