Liam Clear | Analyst | Climate Impact

Pangolin Associates: Liam ClearLiam is a Data Analyst based at Pangolin Associates’ Melbourne office. He has a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Physics, and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) – Physics from Swinburne University of Technology. His honours degree project focused on young galaxy group development, evolution, and morphology, concentrating specifically on HI emissions, and analysing Parkes Telescope and ASKAP data.

Liam has a particular interest in automation, optimisation, and the environment. He spends his free time on numerous personal projects and experiments such as building energy-efficient servers, a Jacob’s Ladder, and other circuit-based projects.

Liam believes everyone should have the opportunity to learn how to defend themselves. He has worked as a volunteer at Shubi Chikara Karate helping to teach karate to children. Currently Liam holds the title of Black Belt at Shubi Chikara Karate. He also enjoys both bouldering and rock climbing.