Steve Tighe | Associate | Scenario Planning

Steve provides mandatory climate scenario planning for Pangolin’s clients. He is one of Australia’s leading practitioners in scenario planning with twenty years of experience helping national and multi-national organisations develop response strategies. Previously Steve held the role of National Foresight Manager at global brewing company Foster’s (SABMiller).

Climate change and its integration into scenario planning has long been at the centre of Steve’s work. He has an in depth understanding of social values and the impact of increasing environmental awareness which results in a holistic perspective on potential future industry dynamics for every client.

Steve’s work has received international recognition for strategic creativity and a focus on innovation, collaboration, and co-creation. His scenario planning clients include major corporations and government entities including Kraft, Aristocrat, ClubsNSW, Summerland Credit Union, Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, Stone & Wood Brewery (environment and climate related scenarios), NSW State Government, Melton City Council, and the State Library of Victoria.

Steve holds a Master of Strategic Foresight from Swinburne University of Technology. He has also completed the Oxford Scenarios Programme at Oxford University and is a board member for the Association of Professional Futurists representing the Oceania region. He has written an international award-winning book: Rethinking Strategy (Wiley, 2019).

Steve is an active member of his community. He is a volunteer lifeguard at Lennox Head Surf Lifesaving Club, coaches his daughters’ Under 12 soccer team, and is part of the coaching squad at Byron Bay Runners Club. In his spare time Steve enjoys swimming, boxing, and competing in triathlons.

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