Net Zero Services
Transitioning to a net zero future
Implementing a net zero framework is both an environmental and a social imperative.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): ‘Net zero emissions are reached when anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are balanced by anthropogenic removals over a specified period.’
Reaching net zero by 2050 – or earlier – means your organisation joins the best of climate leadership globally. Importantly, achieving net zero targets shifts organisations of all sizes and in any sector into a regenerative model, a demonstration of accountability and the intention to become a force for good.
About net zero
- Clearing up the confusion between carbon neutrality and net zero
- Key to the net zero framework
- Your net zero strategy: how we can help
- Learn more
Clearing up the confusion between carbon neutrality and net zero
More and more carbon neutrality and net zero are used interchangeably but the two are not the same.
Carbon neutrality:
Carbon neutrality refers to a year-on-year state achieved through actions to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, followed by neutralising or compensating remaining emissions that cannot be avoided. Neutralisation and compensation require the purchase of carbon offsets, mechanisms to abate or sequester greenhouse gas emissions through approved projects. Increasingly organisations want the Australia Government-recognised carbon neutral certification: Climate Active.
Find more about carbon neutrality and Climate Active here.
Net zero:
Net zero is a science-based target and refers to reducing scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions to zero, or to a residual level consistent with reaching net zero emissions at the global level (in line with 1.5°C by 2050). If offsetting a residual amount of emissions, offsets must focus on sequestration to neutralise those emissions.
Read more about Science Based Targets here.
Key to the net zero framework
- Adopting near and long-term emissions reductions targets. Targets must adhere to the latest climate science and align with the Paris Agreement.
- Implementing a comprehensive emissions boundary inclusive of all relevant emissions sources: disclosing which activities fall within and which fall outside of the organisation’s control.
- Reducing scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions to zero or a residual level consistent with net zero emissions at a global level (in adherence to 1.5°C by 2050).
- Where relevant, following sector decarbonisation pathways.
- Reducing organisation-associated greenhouse gas emissions by at least 90% and offsetting remaining emissions through long-term sequestration projects.
- Making a positive difference to the environment elsewhere – outside of a business’ own impact.
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Your net zero strategy: how we help
Our team has the expertise, accreditations, and experience to help companies of all sizes and in all sectors. Rest assured that we make certain:
- Your net zero framework follows international best practice criteria.
- Your organisation has appropriate and realistic targets and timeframes to avoid accidental greenwashing.
- Your approach is holistic and integrates cross-organisational education into your framework. Put another way, we help you shift to a regenerative model.
Here is are the ways we assist your transition to net zero:
- Establish science-based near-term and long-term targets that align with the latest climate science.
- Provide in-depth modelling and a detailed emissions reduction strategy which maps the reduction potential against a science-based trajectory.
- Provide educational workshops designed to engage staff and relevant stakeholders across the organisation. Our workshops embed a clear, company-wide understanding of net zero and the actions required to reach your targets.
- Set up the required governance for your business.
- Provide analysis on existing net zero frameworks in the market and the relevance to your organisation.
- Analyse and engage with your supply chain to build better visibility of data and to reduce scope 3 emissions.
- Provide modelling to determine the emissions reduction potential of your value chain.
- Develop a tailored carbon offsetting strategy and help establish capability within your business: e.g., carbon offset pricing, best practice principles, risk management, and an understanding of the international carbon market now, and expectations for the future.
- Map out realisable United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDG) to ensure your net zero plan incorporates the societal imperative. UN SDG’s help demonstrate your commitment to holistic, sustainable enterprise.
- Help your company become a B Corp: a global, voluntary initiative. This certification requires rigorous, verified assessments of social and environmental practices. B Corp promotes the highest standards of accountability and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials. We are a founding Australian B Corp member. Our registered B Corp consultants provide invaluable assistance with initial B Corp applications or reassessments. See more on B Corp Australia here.
Learn more
We welcome your questions about our net zero Services; there’s no time to waste. Find our contact information right here. Also see our Science Based Targets (SBT) and Climate Active services.
A useful, short video
Take a look at this helpful video: Emily Watson, Senior Net Zero Manager, Science Based Targets Initiative (3:35).
Additional sources:
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Climate Active
Climate Active is genuine assurance for your clients, stakeholders, and supply chain that yours is a carbon neutral business. We've helped more than half of the certified businesses. Find out how you can get there too.
Above: Capital Brewing Co.
Carbon Credits (Offsetting)
We match the right projects for your business and budget. We’ll manage the entire process for you, transparently. Measure, reduce, then offset with carbon credits.